Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Lately it seems like Brayden is doing or saying something that is over the top adorable and incredibly sweet...I want to post about them on here, since he is growing up way too fast and I'd like to remember them forever!!!
There are a bunch of them so I'll just put an {* }next to each new post.  Most of these were posted on facebook so I just copied my status from there and pasted it here....just choosin easy people! :)

*Proud Mom moment for the day again goes to BRAYDEN...It's hard to believe my heart could swell any more for this kid...then he goes and does the most considerate things...for example after church we were walking to the bishops office so he could get his birthday treat and he quickly sits down in the only seat left available outside his office, only to turn and see that a lady from the ward was com
ing with her special needs boy AND Brayden hurry and jumps right back out of the chair so that she could have the open seat....without any prompting from anyone. That's just the kind of kid he is. {I give props to my husband because I know we haven't specifically taught that kind of chivalry/respect to him, yet he watches the amazing example that his daddy is!!!

*I found a cute little paper heart on my pillow and my bed made {in true little kid fashion}...I asked Paige if she put it there and she said no and when my husband also said no, I thought to ask Brayden but didn't remember to...well today that little sweetheart of mine asks me..."Mommy did you find a heart on your pillow with your bed made?...I responded with "YES!, did you do that?"...he said "Yes, didn't you see the B on it?" {after looking at it again, sure enough the B was written in the same color of crayon as the paper...how did I miss that?!} I guess he was told from his teachers to do something that was helpful for his parents and to leave the heart there....so he chose to do it for me! I don't know what I did to deserve such an adorable kid, but man am I grateful for him!!!

*Highlights of the night....we are just leaving to go trick or treating and get to the house of our neighbors just two doors down, among the chaos Brayden see's the bowl of candy sitting next to the chair in front of their house, so he goes over bends down and grabs a piece and the neighbor full on yells at him saying "get out of the candy"...then says her sons name, after we're all looking at her with wide eyes...a couple of us say "That was Brayden"...we all busted up laughing. Poor Brayden thought he was getting into trouble for picking up a piece rather than having it handed to him. SOOOO funny!

OH and add to that, towards the end my sweet Brayden was thoughtful enough to ask a couple of the houses if he could pick a piece of candy for his mom. {Without any prompting from any of us, he was just sweet enough to think of me back on the sidewalk waiting for them}. Man I love, love, LOVE that kid!!!

*Brayden: "Hey follow me on Critter"...lol!!! Guess he's heard about twitter...not sure how, but Critter is probably WAY better!!!

*Today's sweet moment goes to Brayden again...Paige says something to me about needing to draw a dragon so she can enter the contest at school because if you win your prize is a new book. She asked me to help her draw one, I told her it nee
ded to be her drawing not mine...Brayden jumped right up and said he would draw her one...this is the result. I thought it was the cutest gesture ever...I LOVE LOVE LOVE that little boy. He melts my heart AND makes me laugh til my sides hurt {when he's not making me crazy, of course}. He is such a gift to us!!!
*Back when we told Brayden we were having another baby we asked him if we wanted a brother or a sister and he responded with "A brother...I can't be nice to another sister!"...Well that lucky boy got his wish, we are having a BOY!!! That makes two girls and two boys here...YAY!!! 

I fully believe all of his random sweetness is God's way of making up for all of the trouble he has gotten into or will...he is 100% boy and tests his boundaries constantly.  It's a good dang thing his cute because he's a handful!!!...and I love every thing about him!!!

Monday, July 30, 2012


July is a busy month around our house...3 of the 6 of us have our birthday's in July.  For my birthday I woke up to breakfast in bed, roses and presents then later that night we went to the local parade afterwards Brian took the youngest two home for bed while I took the oldest two to watch the fireworks.  The next day is Paige's birthday...this year she turned 8 and she asked for maple donuts for her birthday breakfast then we had a big party for her where 15 of her friends came over to help us celebrate.  The last birthday was our little Brynlee's, who just turned 2.  I can't believe how fast time flies...she has been a complete joy these past 2 yrs.  I made her eggs, sausage and bacon for her birthday breakfast and we celebrated her big day at the Zoo.  It was a great day, the animals were active and it wasn't over crowded.  Here are some pictures from our busy birthday month!!!
 Cake and Presents for the girls...with their birthday's only a week apart we do a combined family party...
  Brynlee opening presents....
Birthday breakfast...
 The ZOO...Bridger was trying to fall asleep so he wouldn't let me move him, so he's stuck in the stroller for this picture...what do ya do?!?!  The little stink didn't end up falling asleep after all either.
 This polar bear swam laps for us and then was kind enough to pose for a picture. SO awesome!!!

Crazy that with all of our birthday's we were also able to squeeze in a lot of other play time...soccer practice, karate, piano, playing at the park, movies in our back yard, bbq's, Lagoon, etc.  LOVE spending time with my little family...and of course our extended family and friends too!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

My little princesses at The Princess Festival...

Recently I got to spend the day with just my girls at the local Princess Festival...my girls had an wonderful time learning that real princesses use manners, always tell the truth, are always kind, do good things for others, take good care of themselves...among other great "princessy" things. :)

There were a few characters that scared the littlest princess, but she warmed up quickly...and didn't want to leave.  Everyone was really attentive and extremely helpful, I think we'll be going back again next year! I love spending time just us girls!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Our soccer star...

Our oldest LOVES soccer and thankfully is really good at it...she plays competitively enjoys every bit of it!!!  I am secretly thrilled, bcuz soccer was my sport growing up too.  She also loves to play the piano, do arts and crafts, play with friends, read, she basically love to just be busy doing "stuff".

Aww, sweet baby!!!

My sweet little baby B...has been extremely fussy the last couple of days, showing no other signs of sickness other than crying when I left the room and constantly wanting to be held.  Well knowing that just wasn't like him I took him in to the doctors yesterday, and I was right....DOUBLE ear infection. :/  Poor little guy.  So our day will be spent snuggling and napping!

He has within the last month gotten 2 teeth, learned how to crawl and now the ear infections...keeping us on our toes, that's for sure!!!

My very own SUPER HERO!!!

Our preschooler is ALL boy...he bounces off the walls constantly.  He loves anything that shoots, makes noise, gets him dirty or bugs his sisters!  He is always dressed up in a costume or acting like a super hero...his most recent saying is "Hulk Smash"...usually said as loudly as possible.  If only he had some of those real super powers and could clean up his messes. ;)  He does however have the power to melt your heart!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hello, Hello...

Let me officially introduce my self...I'm Heidi...wife to Brian and Mom of 4 beautiful little monkeys  children, 2 girls and 2 boys...I know I got lucky and in fact cried {happy tears} when I found out my 4th was a boy, evening out the ratio.  I absolutely love being a mom and although it is exhausting at times, I wouldn't trade it for the world.  

I am blessed with a beautiful life, full of all kinds of adventures...some I would love to do over and over, others I hope to never experience again and a bunch that I will cherish forever.  I'm excited to continue to find new things to do and see...so please join us on our super awesome, incredible journey.  I'm anxious to share with you what I am most grateful for...starting with my little family and the memories we create along the way!

Which is why I started this blog to share and connect with other moms out there who know what it's like to live in crazytown/kidworld USA all day every day...and love it...AND to know that I am not alone!

Today's adventures specifically were highlighted by my sweet toddler who decided to use my toothpaste as lotion all over her legs, face and arms right before we needed to leave to take her sister to soccer practice.  AND then was kind enough to use the yogurt to paint on the couch.  I guess she's figured out the best/easiest time to get into trouble is when I'm distracted by the baby.  She's just about mastered that in fact.  I often times think that she's actually the Tasmanian Devil disguised as my adorable little princess.

Isn't she so dang cute?!?!  She pulls the really sweet face and/or puckers up for a kiss immediately knowing full well that chances are she won't get into as much trouble that way.  I didn't get a picture of the couch...that was at the end of the day, and I was lucky not to lose my mind. :)  Anyhow, please tell me I'm not the only one with an almost 2 yr old little tornado running around their house.