Friday, July 19, 2013

Live Big Jr....Hero Training Camp and Great Life Youth training.

Live Big Jr...Hero Training camp was really fun for Paige and Brayden, we got to learn about our emotions and how everyone has them and how important it is to express our own emotions AND respect others for theirs.  We also learned about nutrition and green smoothies, the importance of finding and being good role models, we got to spend some time learning about relaxation/meditation, and about music and the effect it has on us, as well as exercise and making it fun to move our bodies.  The kids especially liked the class where we learned about creating value for others...where they got to earn a dollar in doing so.

Paige then got to attend the youth training at Great Life and had a wonderful couple of days learning about who she is and the importance she has.  She got to participate in a rope course and learn that she can do hard things.  She also learned that she is a beautiful, loving, caring girl!!!  Yes she is!!! 

Paige with Erica:
 Paige with Trapper, Shakai, and Keenai
Doing our best to be the gifts that WE are in this world to make it a better and brighter place to live!!!

Milk shakes and fireworks...

South Salt Lake City does a firework show on July 3rd, in celebration of Independence Day.  So we surprised the kids...we let them get ALL of the way ready for bed, said family prayers and just when they thought we were going to say "time for bed"...we said, "now grab your shoes and get in the car".  Then we went and got milk shakes and enjoyed the fireworks at Granite High School.  It was WAY fun and the bubba dude really dug the fireworks...Brynlee didn't enjoy them as much...Brian however enjoyed the lack of waiting in our car afterwards to get looks like we might have a new family tradition on our hands! Yay!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Our little Karate Kid and Baseball star...

Brayden's been busy working hard and growing up...he recently got a perfect score on his rank advancement test and has been promoted to Purple Belt Third Degree!!!  He has also started Tball again and is loving every minute of playing for the "Colorado Rockies"....which also happens to be a purple uniform.  Add in the chores he's wanting to help with around the house...including mowing the himself...{with daddy following close behind him}....he is such a fun kid and is growing up way too fast!!!


I'm pretty sure we hit the jackpot when we got this one.  He is such a natural little athlete and is a really easy going, fun, loving, tenderhearted, and smart little boy...who says and does the funniest things!!!