Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Our little Baby Dude...aka Bubba...aka TROUBLE!!!

Bubba is like 3 kids in one, he is quite the handful...always on the go, running, climbing, mess making...it never stops with this one.

 This is him at the splashpad...he didn't want anyone taking him into the water, he wanted to do it at his own pace but once he figured out he liked it he ran all over the place.
 Even decided to lay down and take a drink...SO gross, I know!

 He only hesitated about 2 seconds before climbing across this rock thingy...

Some times all we can do for our own sanity is pick him up and love on him, before he drives us completely crazy!

 His newest thing is to push a chair over, climb up on the counter and dump stuff out.  He really might just be the death of me.

 He likes to do what the big kids are doing...hula hooping included.

We took the kids to the local farm, which he loved...until he stuck his finger in this horses mouth, and was really mad when the horse promptly bit it.
 Learning to find new things to use as stools to get into trouble...
 Yes that's an entire box of cereal...that he dumped out TWICE!  Then sat down to eat a couple of bites before he took off to cause more trouble.
He is such a mama's boy...out of all of my kids he's been the one to want me the most.  It's probably because of that and his cuteness that keep me from selling him to the gypsies...because he is sure giving me a run for my money!!!  It's probably good that he came 4th rather than any sooner, so that I have a house full of little helpers...I'm not sure I would have survived otherwise.  He is really a LOT of fun, a ton of work but a LOT of fun and we completely adore everything about him!!!

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